Ok, so with my trusty laptop outta action, and apparently unfixable (I'm hoping that the bearded man that haunts level 3 of the Matthew building can save it; it's in his capable hands for the time being). However, I lost all the work that was on it, but have got some of it back, so here be the long awaited assignment two.
For this we had to show three photographs (the images just above this) to a mixture of people from different backgrounds and see what stories they could come up with...
A pagan ritual involved the midwinter worship of a giant orb. The barbarians stay up drinking in the moonlight after leaving their dirt cave houses. Every one in the pagan community went out for this ritual, except the muppet normaloid who was kept locked up inside the mud hits, because his rantings and ravings and science talk was dangerous to the moon people! In the full bright ritual night, the moonlight passed through the window into the raving mans room, he changed and morphed and broke free from his chains! ARGHHHHH arf.arf woof he becomes a god, to dance and jump and participate in their crazy moon sacrifice! Josh, English student
In the dark dark forest, there was a dark dark cottage and in the dark dark cottage, there was a dark dark room, and in the dark dark room, there was a dark dark bed and under the dark dark hid a dark dark dog. The bright bright moon shone through the dark dark window revealing a dark red eyes … Julie, Psychology student
A man looked through a telescope at the shining moon. It was still visible despite the low rising sun. He was in the observatory atop his tower, in the middle of a vast desert, in the middle of a dark land! The only noticeable thing in the tower beneath the vast glass dome on the top, was a small window with a cross bar across it, and a disturbing and putrid stench escaping in surges from the dark square hole. The man shuddered as a howl escaped loudly from beneath him! Emma, Shop assistant
Nose close to the ground, he ran snuffling through the forest, lightly pattering against fallen leaves, the luminous moon his only source of light. He wasn’t sure what had driven him from the warmth of the cottage. He stopped, paused, and sniffed the air. A mile on, he reached his destination and growling, pulled at the trouser leg protruding from beneath the leaves … David, Lecturer
Once upon a time, there was a boy, his face yellow and bright. He was a sad boy; he got very lazy in summer and would only wake up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night when it was nice and cool. What he longed for most was to up in the day hovering above everyone watching the world pass by. He only gets to see the sinful stop outs and drink addled fools stumbling home to their cottages and homes, in his bright light. On occasion when he was wearing his heels and had eaten too much and was highest and fullest in the sky, some odd hairy folk came out and yelled at him. This boy felt this was very unfair. He was only doing his job. Ruth, Vet
The main themes that my er, subjects picked up on were mainly that of er, werewolfism and murder. Cheery stuff. So, with these somewhat sinister thoughts in mind, I chose an image of a werewolf silhouetted against the moon to put across the concepts of darkness and terror.

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